Rock Island District Public Notices

City of West Des Moines (CEMVR-RD-2021-1402)

Rock Island District
Published Feb. 28, 2022
Expiration date: 3/29/2022

Fair Meadows Creek has sustained scour, compromising the stability of the banks and gabion baskets. The Applicant proposes to line the channel of Fair Meadows Creek with revetment and replace two segments of gabion baskets along the stream’s bank. This project will raise the channel’s elevation back to its original profile before the scour occurred. The two segments of gabion baskets that will be repaired have already failed. This project will involve the placement of revetment along 940 linear feet of stream, as well as the removal and reconstruction of 185 linear feet of gabion baskets. As fill material will be placed in greater than 300 linear feet of stream, undergoing a morphological change, compensatory mitigation will be required. A compensatory mitigation plan will be submitted to the Corps. Alternatives, both on-site and off-site will be evaluated to ensure compliance with the 404 B 1 guidelines.