Rock Island District Public Notices

Special Public Notice for the Issuance of Regional Permit 34 (Iowa Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program) and Regional Permit 39 (IDALS Targeted Water Quality Improvement Constructed/Restored Wetlands in Waters of the United States)

Rock Island District
Published Sept. 19, 2022

1. Regional Permits 34 (Iowa Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program) and Regional Permit 39 (IDALS Targeted Water Quality Improvement Constructed/Restored Wetlands in Waters of the United States) have been issued and are available on our website at the following location:

2. Regional Permit 34 authorizes the discharge of dredged and/or fill materials in waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) in Iowa for specific U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) sponsored activities. Specific practices included in this permit are NRCS Conservation Practice Standard (CPS) 656, Constructed Wetlands; CPS 657, Wetland Restoration; CPS 658, Wetland Creation; and CPS 659, Wetland Enhancement; and when the FSA or the NRCS is the lead Federal Agency. The purpose of these individual projects is to enhance/restore former wetlands, and/or create new wetlands to improve water quality.

3. Regional Permit 39 authorizes the discharge of dredged and/or fill material in waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) in the State of Iowa to create/restore wetlands through the construction of earthen embankments and/or dams when funding or technical assistance is being provided through the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) with Corps approval in conjunction with a provided watershed plan. The purpose of these projects is for activities in WOTUS including jurisdictional wetlands, that are part of a watershed strategy to improve water quality.