The applicant proposes the Three Mile Lake Restoration Project to include in-lake sediment retention forebays, Best Management Practices (BMP’s) 1, 2, and 12, and bank stabilization along Three Mile Lake at 12 locations, including jetties, riprap, and wind breaks. Cumulatively these projects will impact 6.540 acres of open water, 7.328 acres of wetland (1.740 acres of emergent and 5.588 acres of forested), inundate 2,254 linear feet (LF) of steam (858 LF of perennial, 1,232 LF of intermittent, and 164 LF of ephemeral), and 13,025 linear feet of bank stabilization. The applicants stated purpose and need for BMP’s 1, 2, and 12 are to reduce sediment within Three Mile Lake to improve the quality of the Lake for recreational areas and to provide drinking water to 30,000 residents. Three Mile Lake has experienced decreased water quality, increased algae blooms, and impairments to fish populations in recent years. The existing silt dike has silted in, settled, and is experiencing more frequent overtopping’s. The applicants stated purpose and need for the bank stabilization is for shoreline stabilization and improved angler access due to the existing eroding shorelines. The bank stabilization efforts will provide for protection measures and angler access to existing shoreline erosion and areas in need of wind protection, angler access, and along shorelines near known sensitive cultural resources threatened from impending shoreline degradation.
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