Project Location: The proposed project is located on West Indian Creek and a tributary to West Indian Creek in Section 7, Township 83 North, Range 22 West and Section 12, Township 83 North, Range 23 West, Story County, Iowa within the City of Nevada.
Project Description:
A. The Applicant has proposed two separate but related streambank protection projects that are sponsored by the Iowa State Revolving Fund which received funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- Project A is on the main stem of West Indian Creek and includes the stabilization of West Indian Creek from approximately 750 feet downstream of West Lincoln Highway to approximately 650 feet upstream of E Avenue. This project is approximately 4100 feet long and techniques used will include stone toe protection, bio-engineering techniques, floodplain benches, large wood debris and cross vane weirs to reduce erosion.
- Project B is located on a tributary of West Indian Creek. This project will stabilize approximately 1300 feet along the tributary and will include the same strategies as West Indian Creek. Techniques used will include stone toe protection, bio-engineering techniques, floodplain benches, large wood debris and cross vane weirs to reduce erosion.
B. Avoidance and Minimization. The Applicant provided the following Avoidance and Minimization Statement. The project avoids and minimizes impacts to the extent practicable within a largely urban stream corridor and will protect existing adjacent infrastructure and property while restoring West Indian Creek largely within its current alignment. The project avoids piping any stream and will limit bank erosion further protecting this project reach and downstream reaches of West Indian Creek. 4300 linear feet of stream is present currently and 4257 linear feet of stream will be open when completed. The slight shortening of the stream alignment results from some of the existing unstable meanders being more of an S-shape and the proposed more stable alignment designed per the Iowa River Restoration Toolbox (IRRT) is more of a gradual meander Stream and wetland impacts were minimized using bioengineering techniques for streambank stabilization including soil lifts, floodplain benches, native vegetation restoration, large woody debris, and cross veins weirs where stone or other hardscape material would provide similar bank stabilization.
C. Impacts/mitigation. This project will result in the stabilization of approximately 5400 feet of stream through restorative techniques. Mitigation is not required for this project.
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