Applicant: City of Williamsburg, 210 W. State Street, POC – Mr. Aaron Sandersfield, P.O. Box 596, Williamsburg, Iowa 52361.
Project Location: The proposed project is located on Old Man’s Creek between Highland Street to Hampton Way in Section 10, Township 79 North, Range 10 West, Iowa County, Iowa. Lat. 41.6681, Lon. -92.0174.
Project Description:
A. The Applicant proposes to stabilize approximately 2900 feet of Old Man’s Creek at 8 locations through the project area. Stabilization consists of excavating the existing south bank, approximately 17,000 cubic yards of soil, to create more mild 3:1 side slopes and bank full bench. A typical proposed cross section includes toe protection with Class D Revetment up to 3.5 feet above the existing toe, 1-foot-tall fabric encapsulated soil lift with wetland seed mix, 10-foot-wide bank full bench with turf reinforced mat, and 3:1 upper bank graded to the existing natural ground elevation. A rolled erosion control product will be installed along the entire upper bank along with live stakes up to 2 feet above the bank full bench and native grass and wildflower seed mix on the remaining area of the upper bank. No channel realignment, in-stream grade control features, or proposed fill activities are included in this project.
B. The purpose of this project is to reduce erosion along this section of Old Man’s Creek.
C. Avoidance and Minimization. Erosion control includes silt fences along the toe of slopes during construction. Following construction, a variety of seed mixes, turf reinforced mats, rolled
erosion control products, and live staking will be used as stabilization measures.
D. There are no known wetland impacts associated with this project. Impacts associated with this project are related to the placement of rock in and along the channel of the creek. Stream mitigation will not be required for this project because stabilization of the creek is the primary objective.
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