Project Location: The project is located on D Avenue (County Highway P 46) from the Dallas-Greene County Line south to State Highway 141. Section 3, Township 81 North, Range 29 West, Dallas County, Iowa. Lat. 41.8518, Lon. -94. 2204.
Project Description:
A. The Applicant proposes to widen and repave D Avenue from the Dallas/Greene County Line south to State Highway 141 near Dawson, Iowa. The project will involve widening the existing foreslope from 3:1 to 4:1 in some locations and raising the existing road to provide additional freeboard. Approximately 2.43 acres of wetland will be impacted by this project through the grubbing and filing of wetlands adjacent to the road.
B. Avoidance and minimization. The large curve in the roadway north of the bridge will remain and not be straightened as a means to avoid and minimize impacts to wetlands. Additionally, the area of the road project in close proximity to wetlands will only have the foreslope built out to a 3:1 slope, opposed to a 4:1, as a way to minimize impacts to wetlands. Dallas County currently intends to utilize available credits in their Voas wetland mitigation bank to compensate for unavoidable impacts to wetlands.
C. Wetland mitigation will be completed through the purchase of wetland credits from an Approved Wetland Mitigation Bank in the Service area of the impacts.
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