Project Location: All waters of the United States in Iowa within the regulatory boundaries of the Rock Island District. This permit may be used on tribal lands in the state of Iowa; however, an individual 401 WQC must be obtained from the Meskwaki Nation – Sac and Fox tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa, prior to authorization.
Project Description and Purpose: The Corps proposes to renew Regional Permit 7 for Linear Transportation Project and increase impacts from the previous impact threshold from 1-acre of waters of the U.S. (WUS) to 2.0-acres of WUS, including the loss of up to 1,000 linear feet of stream bed in the state of Iowa.
Proposed Limits.
A. Activities required for the construction, expansion, modification, or improvement of Linear transportation projects (e.g. roads, highways, railways, trails, airport runways, and taxiways), which result in a total loss of up to 2.0 acre of WUS, including the loss of up to 1,000 linear feet of stream bed. The loss of stream bed plus any other losses of jurisdictional wetlands and waters caused by the activity cannot exceed 2.0 acre cumulatively, which includes no more than 1,000 linear feet of stream bed loss. Temporary fill for construction is authorized.
B. This project must be a single and complete project and impacts are applied on acumulative basis for activities that are part of a larger linear transportation project. The 2.0 acres of WUS, including the loss of up to 1,000 linear feet of stream bed, applies to each crossing and impacts are added cumulatively when considering mitigation for the entire larger project.
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