Rock Island District Public Notices

City of Des Moines replacing floodwall closure on the Raccoon River levee system (RR-1) (Public Notice ID #2023-0059)

Rock Island District
Published April 24, 2024
Expiration date: 5/10/2024

REQUESTER: In compliance with 33 USC 408 (Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899; hereinafter Section 408), the City of Des Moines has requested permission to modify the RR-1 Levee, an existing federally-authorized FRMP situated west of Grays Lake.

LOCATION: The proposed project is located at the RR-1 road closure by the intersection of Fleur Drive and George Flagg Parkway in Des Moines, Iowa.

REQUESTER’S PROPOSED ACTION: The existing stoplog style closure structure was constructed around 1995. Recent inspections of the floodwall on the Raccoon River Levee System (RR-1) adjacent to the road closure revealed some deficiencies, and the City of Des Moines is seeking to replace the current closure and adjacent floodwall. The major project elements on RR-1 include the following:
1) Removing 38 feet of “I” style floodwall to the northwest of the closure and replacement with a “T” style floodwall.
2) Removing the existing 70-foot wide stoplog closure and replacement with a slide gate closure. Existing sheet pile cutoff to remain. Installing a new sheet pile cutoff to the flood side of the existing cutoff under the closure.
3) Removing 36 feet of “I” style floodwall to the southeast of the closure and replacing it with a “T” style floodwall.
4) Replacing the former stoplog style closure with a roller style steel gate.

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