Rock Island District Public Notices

Cottonwood Stream Mitigation Bank (CEMVR-RD-2024-0746)

Rock Island District
Published July 18, 2024
Expiration date: 8/17/2024

Project Location: The proposed site is located within Section 1, Township 63 North, Range 14 West, Adair County, Missouri. See attached location maps. Latitude: 40.295601, Longitude: -92.419926.

Bank Objectives: The fundamental objective of compensatory mitigation is to offset environmental losses resulting from unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States (WOTUS) authorized by Department of Army Permits. Other objectives include stabilizing streambanks, restoring in-stream habitat via riffles and pools, reducing erosion, improving biodiversity and additional wildlife habitat through restoration of riparian buffers, and selling stream mitigation credits for projects developed by other entities.

Project Description/Bank Establishment: The bank sponsor proposes to complete activities on 35.70 acres of privately owned property that would result in the establishment of stream mitigation credits. The goal of this project is to restore 3,090 linear feet of Cottonwood Creek to generate an initial estimate of 27,325 stream credits. The bank sponsor proposes to use in-stream methods to aid in restoring the stream, for example, stone toe protection and creation of riffle/pool complexes; reducing erosion through cattle exclusion; and improving habitat through improvements to the riparian buffer which includes native tree plantings and vegetation management to remove invasive species and promote native species diversity. A wetland delineation was completed in October of 2023, the site contains one relatively permanent waterway identified within the project area.

Service Area: The proposed primary bank service area will be the Cuivre/Salt Service Area which includes both Rock Island District and St. Louis District.

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