Rock Island District Public Notices

Coal Creek PL84-99 CWA

USACE Rock Island District
Published Aug. 2, 2024
Expiration date: 8/15/2024

Project Location: Coal Creek Drainage and Levee District within Section 25, Township 1North, Range 1 West, Schuyler County, Illinois.

Background: The Coal Creek Drainage and Levee District levee (D&LD) system is located in Schuyler County, Illinois, along the right descending bank of the Illinois River between river miles (RM) 85.0 and 92.0, across from Beardstown, Illinois. The levee system lies within the LaGrange Pool, a 78-mile reach of the Illinois River, beginning below the Peoria Lock and Dam (RM 157.9) and ending at LaGrange Lock and Dam (RM 80.2). The levee constitutes a portion of the bank of Curry Lake. The Coal Creek D&LD PL 84-99 Rehabilitation Project sustained damage from the 2023 flood event in which the levee sustained erosion damage along approximately 9,950 feet of its length. Damages consist of vertical scour, averaging 18- 24 inches in depth, concentrated at the toe of the levee, and evenly distributed along the length of the damaged area. The elevation of the top of scour approximately corresponds with water elevations during the flood event. The damaged areas had been previously repaired under PL84-99, with those construction activities completed in February of 2023. The D&LD requested rehabilitation assistance on May 18, 2023. The Coal Creek D&LD is eligible for Federal assistance to repair damages under PL 84-99.

Project Description: The overall purpose of the proposed Project is to repair the damages to the Coal Creek D&LD levee to prevent further erosion of the shoreline and prevent failure of the levee. The proposed repairs consist of the placement of riprap along approximately 9,950 linear feet of the riverside slope of the levee embankment (approximately 0.5 acres of Curry Lake Shoreline) to restore the degraded 4.5:1 (H:V) slope back to the original design grade. The Project addresses the scour of the levee slope due to wave wash during a flood (high water) event and will protect the levee against future damages. The repair work is to be done from the land due to the land availability at the damaged levee location. Riprap will be placed to approximately 1-foot-vertically above the top of the scour damage, or 4.5-linear-foot-up the levee slope, so as to completely cover the damaged area and tie into the undamaged slope at either end of each repair area to reduce risk of undermining. Riprap will be placed to a minimum thickness of 15-inch. The placement of material will not increase the Project
degree, level of protection, or exceed the design levee template. The fill material for the repair Project is ILDOT RR-3 (4-inch – 10-inch) riprap. All riprap stone would be obtained from approved pits/quarries in the project vicinity and would be reasonably free from soil, quarry fines, refuse, and chemical contaminants.

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