Rock Island District Public Notices

Bay Island PL84-99 CWA

USACE Rock Island District
Published Aug. 2, 2024
Expiration date: 8/31/2024

Project Location: Bay Island Drainage and Levee District within Section 9, Township 14 North, Range 6 West, Mercer County, Illinois.

Background: The Bay Island Drainage and Levee District levee (D&LD) No. 1 system is located in Mercer County, Illinois, along the left descending bank of the Mississippi River, pools 17 and 18, between river miles (RM) 451 and 434. The Bay Island D&LD PL 84-99 Rehabilitation Project (Project) sustained damage from the 2023 flood event in which the levee sustained erosion damage along approximately 10,480 feet of its length. The Bay Island D&LD No. 1 requested rehabilitation assistance on June 16, 2023. The Bay Island D&LD No. 1 is eligible for Federal assistance to repair damages under PL 84-99.

Project Description: The overall purpose of the proposed Project is to repair the damages to the Bay Island D&LD levee to prevent further erosion of the shoreline and prevent failure of the levee. The proposed Project would consist of repairs to four sections of the levee (Repair Areas 1, 3, 4 and 6) by use of approximately 31,670 cubic yards (CY) riprap placed along the damaged sections of the levee. Repair area 1 work would consist of riprap placement over 6-inch of bedding stone. The area has previously been repaired with riprap but has since degraded. Repair area 3 work would consist of riprap placement over 6-inch of bedding stone. This area is adjacent to existing riprap placed as part of a prior repair with the new rock becoming an extension of the existing rock. Repair area 4 is immediately downstream of the Lock and Dam and has almost no shoreline tree cover. The repair would consist of placing riprap over 6-inch of bedding stone from the levee crown to the river bottom. Repair area 6 consists of two sections of scour on the tieback levee. These areas have been repeatedly damaged by past flood events and repairs would consist of placing pervious fill to restore the levee design profile, then placing 12-inch of riprap over 6-inch of bedding stone. Pervious fill may be used to restore the levee profile as needed. The placement of material would not increase the Project degree or level of protection. The fill would be reclaimed from the adjacent foreshore where it was displaced during flooding with additional clean pervious fill coming from the Districts Keithsburg Dredged Material Management Program (DMMP) site and the Bass Island DMMP site. Approximately 4600 CY of the additional material are estimated to be needed from the DMMP sites. The fill material for the repair Project is ILDOT RR-3, RR-4, and RR-5 graded quarried limestone, and bedding stone would consist of ILDOT gradation CA5 and CA, and pervious earthen fill. All riprap stone would be obtained from approved pits/quarries in the project vicinity and would be reasonably free from soil, quarry fines, refuse, and chemical contaminants.

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