The US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District (District), requests your review of the Environmental Assessment titled, Lock and Dam 22 Fish Passage Improvement Project Project Implementation Report with Integrated Supplemental Environmental Assessment, dated May 2021. The District is interested in your review and comments regarding the alternative analysis and the tentatively selected plan for this project to fulfill the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. The report can be found at the following link:
The public is invited to submit comments regarding the alternative analysis and tentatively selected plan for this project through June 16, 2021.
Comments can be submitted via this online COMMENT FORM, through email at:, or by writing to the address below.
To request a paper copy or CD, contact the District’s Environmental Planning Branch at 309-794-5729, email:, or write to:
Department of the Army
US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District
Attn: (Rachel Hawes) Clock Tower Building
P. O. Box 2004
Rock Island IL 61204-2004
Lock and Dam 22 is located at River Mile (RM) 301.2 on the Upper Mississippi River near Saverton, Missouri, between Ralls County, Missouri, and Pike County, Illinois. The primary purpose of the Lock and Dam 22 Fish Passage Project is to increase opportunity for upriver fish passage, thereby increasing access to upstream habitats. The secondary purpose of this project is learn about fish migration behavior in the Upper Mississippi River to improve planning and design for future fish passage projects.
- No Action
- Fish Lockage
- Slot Pass
- Fish Lockage and Slot Pass
- 50-Foot Rock Ramp
- Fish Lockage and 50-foot Rock Ramp
- 100-foot Rock Ramp
- Fish Lockage and 100-foot Rock Ramp
- 200-foot Rock Ramp
- Fish Lockage and 200-foot Rock Ramp
Alternative 9 - 200-foot Rock Ramp.
Features include:
- Rock ramp fishway adjacent to storage yard, downstream of spillway, 200-foot bottom width,
- Prefabricated bridge system with water control structure,
- Fixed debris boom,
- Adaptive management experiments to optimize the design of this fishway and inform subsequent projects at other dams in the system.
All rock ramp designs are similar, however the 200-foot fishway passes more water which would increase the likelihood that an upstream migrating fish would find the entrance and pass over the dam. This structure’s width would ensure that there would be an attractive flow of around 10 percent of the minimum flow of the river which is considered a benchmark for other successful fishways. The 200-foot fishway alternative is wide enough to accommodate the adaptive management studies that will be used to guide the design of other fishways on the Upper Mississippi River.