Rock Island District Public Notices

Ozinga Materials LLC - Clean Construction and Demolition Debris (CCDD) Facility (CEMVR-OD-P-2019-1372)

Rock Island District
Published Dec. 17, 2019
Expiration date: 1/15/2020

The applicant is proposing to convert a former quarry into a Clean Construction and Demolition Debris (CCDD) facility, which will be used to accept certified and tested uncontaminated concrete, brick, rock, stone and dirt. The project will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 will be initiated by the construction of a berm which will require the filling of 5.05 acres of Waters of the US within the former quarry. The remaining 5.91 acres of the water behind the berm will receive CCDD material for an estimated 10.6 years. Phase 2 will be initiated by the construction of a berm which will require the filling of 1.11 acres of water within the former quarry. Phase 2 will receive CCDD material for an estimated 12.7 additional years. The project will impact a total of 10.96 acres of water for Phase 1 and 9.35 acres of water for Phase 2. The purpose is to meet the demand for CCDD facilities in Illinois.