Applicant: Illinois Department of Transportation - District 6, c/o Jeffrey P. Myers, P.E., RegionEngineer126 East Ash Street Springfield, Illinois 62704.
Agent: Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. (CMT), c/o Mr. Stan Hansen, 2750 W, Washington Street Springfield, Illinois 62702.
Project Location: US Route 67 over Illinois River in Beardstown, Illinois. Section 15, Township 18 North, Range 12 West. Cass and Schuyler County, Illinois. Datum NAD-83. UTM Zone 16. Latitude: 40.01055, Longitude: -90.44349.
408 Request: In compliance with 33 USC 408 (Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899; hereinafter Section 408), A requestor has the responsibility to acquire all other permissions or authorizations required by federal, state, and local laws or regulations, including any required permits from the USACE Regulatory Program under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 USC403), Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC Section 1344) and/or Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 USC 1413). The compliance determination for any Section 10/404/103 permit decision associated with the proposed alteration is separate from and will not be included in the Section 408 compliance determination. An approval under Section 408 does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges nor does it authorize any injury to the property or rights of others.
Project Description: This project consists of removing and replacing the structure (SN 009-0001)that spans over the Illinois River and Curry Lake as well as the reconstruction of the roadway approaches and the 6th Street/US 67 intersection near Beardstown, IL. The proposed structure (SN 0090504) will be built approximately 162 feet west (downstream) from the existing bridge and will be 16 spans consisting of 4 units and will use steel web plate girders. Unit 1 will be 64 inches web plate girders, Unit 2 will be 128 inches web plate girders, and Unit 3 & 4 will be 82 inches web plate girders. The substructure will be drilled shafts. The total length of the structure will be 3,563 feet to 9 inches. The existing structure will be demolished after the proposed roadway and structure are constructed and open to traffic. Riprap will be placed for erosion control and scour protection.
Purpose and Need: The purpose of the Proposed Action is to provide a transportation facility between Jacksonville and Macomb, Illinois that provides improved transportation continuity, enhanced economic stability and development, upgraded rural access, and improved travel efficiency while connecting the project area to other major transportation systems and communities in western Illinois. One of the major goals of the Illinois transportation system is to enhance the state’s economic advantage, expand economic bases in urban and rural areas, and retain existing economic bases and employment. A system of new and improved roadway facilities that link major economic markets is planned to strengthen the regional and statewide economic future. The Beardstown Bridge removal and replacement is one component of the larger U.S. 67 improvement project, which is part of a statewide plan to improve regional transportation continuity and enhance the linkage of west central Illinois to major economic markets. This improvement will connect sections of highway to the north and south that are currently either under construction or are in the planning phase.
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