Rock Island District Public Notices

Realignment of Regulatory Program Areas of Responsibility between Rock Island District and Chicago District

Rock Island District
Published July 6, 2023

1. Effective August 01, 2023, the Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program areas of responsibility between the Rock Island District and Chicago District in Illinois will be changed. This change in boundaries between the two Districts is part of a larger effort to realign the Districts along watershed boundaries in accordance with OPORD 2020-04 (USACE Mission Realignment Implementation). In order to reduce impacts to the public, the Districts have agreed to change the Regulatory boundaries along county lines as opposed to watershed boundaries. To achieve this, the Regulatory Program responsibilities within the four counties of Kendall, Grundy, Kankakee, and Iroquois will be transferred from the Rock Island District to the Chicago District. All of Lee, Dekalb, LaSalle, Livingston, and parts of Ford County will remain in the Rock Island District. Please refer to the map on page two.

2. The schedule for the transition from Rock Island District is as follows: As of August 01, 2023, all new requests for regulatory actions including applications for permits, requests for jurisdictional determinations and reports of alleged unauthorized activities, within Kendall, Grundy, Kankakee, and Iroquois counties, should be directed to the Chicago District Regulatory Branch at, or by mailing documents to: 231 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 1500, Chicago IL, 60604. All Regulatory actions received prior to August 01, 2023, within these four counties, will continue to be processed by the Rock Island District.

3. Historic records for Kendall, Grundy, Kankakee, and Iroquois have been digitized and will be transferred from the Rock Island District to the Chicago District prior to August 01, 2023.

4. If you have any questions concerning this notice, please contact Ward Lenz, Regulatory Division Chief, Rock Island District, at or Teralyn Pompeii, Regulatory Branch Chief, Chicago District, at

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