Capoli Slough Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project
St. Paul District
Pool 9, Upper Mississippi River, Miles 656 - 659, Crawford County, Wisconsin, Congressional District: WI - 3
Many of the natural islands bordering the navigation channel have eroded, and many are disappearing. Erosion from wave action and main channel flows are reducing the size of the wetland complex, resulting in the loss of aquatic vegetation and the shallow protected habitats important for the survival of many species of fish and wildlife. The proposed project would restore islands to protect the area from large wind fetches.
Quick Facts
- Approximate Acres: 1570
- State(s) Covered: WI
- Land Ownership: USFWS
- Management Agency: USFWS
- Management Authority: Refuge
- Rock sills would be used to stabilize breached areas
- Partial-closing structures would be constructed to reduce the effect of main channel flows
- Material to restore the island complex would be dredged from the immediate vicinity to provide additional deepwater fish habitat benefits
- The Definite Project Report was completed in September 2009.
- Construction was completed in July 2016.