
Long Lake Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project

St. Paul District

Pool 7, Upper Mississippi River, Mile 713, Trempealeau and La Crosse Counties, Wisconsin, Congressional District: WI - 3




Long Lake is a semi-isolated backwater lake of the Mississippi River, approximately 15 acres in size.  Much of the lake is 5 to 7 feet deep, with a maximum depth of 13 feet.  Monitoring by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources indicated that the lake suffered dissolved oxygen depletion during both the summer and winter.  Lack of dissolved oxygen was considered a significant factor limiting the use of Long Lake by fish species such as crappie, bluegill, and large mouth bass.  A reliable source of fresh water to the lake was needed.

Quick Facts

  • Approximate Acres: 40
  • State(s) Covered: WI
  • Land Ownership: Federal
  • Management Agency: USFWS
  • Management Authority: Refuge 


  • Excavation of a 760-foot-long channel from the Mississippi River to Long Lake.  The channel has a 10 foot bottom width.
  • A 48-inch culvert with a slide gate regulated the flows through the channel.
  • Two rock jetties were constructed on the river-end of the channel to deflect sediment and debris from entering the channel. 


  • The Definite Project Report was completed in July 1991.
  • Construction was initiated in October 1991 and completed in June 2000.
  • The Operation and Maintenance Manual was completed in June 2008.