Pool Slough Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project
St. Paul District
Pool 9, Upper Mississippi River, Miles 673 - 675, Allamakee County, Iowa and Houston County, Minnesota, Congressional District: WI - 3
The Upper Mississippi River is a major migration route for waterfowl during the spring and fall, providing feeding and resting habitat for birds that populate the continent. Generally, the amount of high quality feeding and resting habitat has declined because of sedimentation and reduced aquatic plant growth in backwater areas. The Pool Slough area has the water resources and topography conducive to waterfowl food production and to the development of a migratory waterfowl feeding and resting area.
Quick Facts
- Approximate Acres: 82
- State(s) Covered: WI
- Land Ownership: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Management Agency: WIDNR
- Management Authority: Cooperative Agreement
- Construction of low dikes to create a 52-acre moist soil unit.
- Install a control structure to regulate the water level in the pond.
- Pumping from Pool Slough would fill the pond in the fall.
- The Definite Project Report was completed in July 2003.
- Construction was initiated in March 2006 and completed in July 2007.