Small Scale Drawdown Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project
St. Paul District
Pool 5, Upper Mississippi River, Miles 746 - 748, Buffalo County, Wisconsin, Congressional District: Wisconsin - 3
Part of the Corps of Engineers' Environmental Management Program (EMP), a drawdown of a small backwater area on the Upper Mississippi River was proposed to restore or enhance aquatic plant species. Creation of impoundments on the Upper Mississippi River for navigation has slowed the natural sediment transport during low to normal flow conditions, and seasonal water level fluctuations have been reduced. This has increased backwater sedimentation and reduced germination of aquatic plant species.
Quick Facts
- Approximate Acres: 80
- State(s) Covered: Wisconsin
- Land Ownership: Federal
- Management Agency: USFWS
- Management Authority: Refuge
- Implemented a drawdown to permit germination of seeds in the bottom sediments.
- Potential sites of 5 to 200 acres in pools 3 through 10 were identified and screened
- The Definite Project Report was completed in May 1997.
- Construction was initiated in June 1997 and completed in September 1997.
- The Initial Project Evaluation Report was completed in September 2004.