Rock Island District Public Notices

Mississippi River Project Master Plan with Integrated Environmental Assessment - Upper Mississippi River Watershed Pools 11-22, 9-Foot Channel Navigation Project, Pleasant Valley, Iowa, dated June 2021

Rock Island District
Published July 21, 2021

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, has released for public review, the new Mississippi River Project Master Plan with Integrated Environmental Assessment for Pools 11-22 of the Upper Mississippi River. The public is invited to submit comments regarding the alternative analysis and preferred alternative for this project through August 20. The revised plan be found at the following link:

Comments can be submitted via this online COMMENT FORM, through email to:, or by writing to the address below.

The purpose of this plan is to guide public use and management of approximately 60,000 acres of federal lands and 314 Mississippi River miles from near Guttenberg, Iowa, to Saverton, Missouri, for environmental stewardship and recreational purposes.

To request a CD, contact the District’s Plan Formulation Branch at 309-794-5349, email:, or write to:

Department of the Army
US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District
Attn: Morrill (PD-F)
Clock Tower Building
P. O. Box 2004
 Rock Island IL 61204-2004


The current plan is reflective of changes in policy related to master plan content, format, and land classification. The 2021 master plan is based on regional and local needs, resource capabilities, suitability, and expressed public interests consistent with authorized project purposes, pertinent legislation, and regulations. It provides consistency with national objectives, Corps policy, and other state and regional goals and programs. The Corps completed its first master plan for this area in 1947. Additional updates occurred in 1969 and 1984, as well as a 1989 land use allocation plan.

It is important to note that it is not a plan for navigation (locks, dams and associated infrastructure), flood risk management projects (such as levees and floodwalls), Mississippi River water level management, dredging and channel maintenance, or environmental restoration (such as the Upper Mississippi River Restoration - Environmental Management Program).


During the process, four alternatives were considered.  A Tentatively Preferred Alternative was developed after extensive data collection and public and agency collaboration. The planning team worked on varying options that will meet the purpose and need while addressing both agency and public suggestions and developed the following four alternatives that focused on varying percentages of land classification: 

  • Alternative 1, No Action Alternative was based on the 1989 LUAP land classifications and proposes no change to those classifications.
  • Alternative 2, Balanced Focus - Tentatively Preferred Alternative, focused on balancing current conditions of conservation and recreation on Project lands. 
  • Alternative 3, Conservation Alternative, focused on higher percentage of land held for conservation while lowering the percentage of lands available for recreation. 
  • Alternative 4, Recreation Alternative, focused on higher percentage of land held for recreation while lowering the percentage of lands available for conservation. 


Alternative 2, the Tentatively Preferred Alternative, represents the best combination of land classifications, types and levels of resource development, management, and conservation activities for the various management units on the Mississippi River that would 1) meet Project purposes and agency/public needs and desires, 2) be consistent with minimizing adverse environmental impacts and ensuring environmental sustainability, and 3) be compatible with all applicable laws and regulations as well as regional plans.