  • Saylorville Lake Earth Day Celebration

    Saturday, April 23, 2016 12pm – 4:00 pm Saylorville Lake Visitor Center FREE Celebrate the 46th Anniversary of Earth Day with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Saylorville Lake. Help clean up the environment and preserve the natural beauty at Saylorville Lake. Volunteers can meet a Park Ranger at the Visitor Center where they will provide gloves, trash bags and get you started on your project.
  • USACE Recreation Fee Changes

    Johnston, Iowa - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in Washington D.C. has implemented changes in the recreation day use fees charged for boat launches and swimming beaches managed by USACE. These fees were last changed in 2002 and are adjusted to be comparable to fees charged by other local providers with similar facilities and services. Changes were effective January 1st and will impact the 2016 recreation season.
  • Saylorville Lake Ice Warning

    Johnston Iowa - The majority of lakes and rivers within Iowa have seen unusually high water for this time of year. Saylorville Lake peaked at nearly 30 feet above normal on December 22 and has been falling about a foot per day since. With cold winter temperatures closing in, ice will be forming on the lake. As the pool continues to fall, ice shelves and extremely slippery shorelines exist. If an ice shelf formed, there is nothing supporting the ice underneath. Use extreme caution along the shoreline and do not go out onto the ice.
  • Saylorville Lake Halloween Prowl

    Johnston, Iowa - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Saylorville Lake announces the Annual Halloween Prowl at the Saylorville Lake Visitor Center. Bring the youngsters for a real treat. Activities will include a hike on the haunted nature trail, a movie with treats and an indoor craft project.
  • National Public Lands Day

    September 26th is National Public Lands Day and the US Army Corps of Engineers at Saylorville Lake is hosting a cleanup project beginning at 11AM, ending at 3PM. Join more than 175,000 volunteers around the nation to beautify the land, improve your fitness and enjoy the outdoors.
  • Rock Island District waives fees on National Public Lands Day, Sept. 26

    ROCK ISLAND, Ill. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Rock Island District announces it will waive day use fees normally charged at boat launch ramps and swimming beaches at its recreation areas in recognition of National Public Lands Day on Sept. 26.
  • Corps of Engineers Rock Island District Supports Every Kid in a Park

    ROCK ISLAND, Ill. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, is participating in the Every Kid in a Park program, a presidential initiative that was announced by the Obama Administration September 2. The program is part of the president’s commitment to protect our nation’s unique outdoor spaces and ensure that every American has the opportunity to visit and enjoy them.
  • Saylorville Lake “No Motorized Vessel Zone Lifts 1 September”

    Johnston, Iowa - During much of 2015 there has been a new boating policy on Saylorville Lake. This policy calls for a seasonal; “No Motorized Vessel Zone” North of the Mile Long Bridge, in the very shallow upper reaches of the reservoir, locally identified as the “mud flats” from April 1st to August 31st during periods of near normal conservation pools (below 840’ NGVD). The No Motorized vessel zone will be lifted 1 September 2015 through 31 March 2016.
  • Blue - Green Algae at Saylorville Lake

    Johnston, Iowa - Sandpiper and Oak Grove Beaches at Saylorville Lake have been closed in response to the presence of a blue-green algae bloom which has the potential to impact the health of humans and their pets. Routine water quality monitoring performed at the lake has identified high levels of microcystin, a compound produced by blue-green algae under certain environmental conditions.
  • Acorn Valley Youth Camping Area

    Johnston, Iowa - Nestled in the upland timber of Acorn Valley Campground at Saylorville Lake sets the perfect outdoor adventure opportunity for youth. The site provides a remote setting for organized youth groups looking for an opportunity to tent camp without the impact of neighbors and experience a degree of primitive camping.