US Army Corps of Engineers
Rock Island District Website

Project Information Papers

Backlog of Maintenance

The Major Rehabilitation and Major Maintenance Program for the Locks and Dams on the Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway has been ongoing since 1975. Major rehabilitation consists of reliability or efficiency improvements.
Published: 9/16/2020

Coal Hollow Park, Chillicothe, IL - CAP Section 206

High flow events on the Coon Creek and the unnamed tributary cause erosion on their banks, increasing sediment load and consequently sediment load into the Illinois Waterway.
Published: 9/25/2020

Dam Safety Program

The purposes of a dam safety program are to protect life, property and the environment by ensuring that all dams are designed, constructed, operated and maintained safely and effectively.
Published: 9/25/2020

Dredged Material Management Program (DMMP) - Overview

The Dredged Material Management Program (DMMP) evaluates and identifies preferred alternative dredged material placement site(s) using a six-step planning process and, where applicable, a matrix with six evaluation criteria: dredging cost; natural resources; beneficial use of dredged material; recreational resources; cultural resources; and social impacts.
Published: 3/10/2020

East 2nd Street, Rock Falls, Il - CAP Section 14

The river bank is very steep at this location, and the concerns are that additional movement of the bank will not only affect the safe passage of vehicles on E. 2nd Street, but may also affect the operations of the Sinnissippi Dam, which is a source of hydroelectric power. An opportunity exists to protect the bank and prevent damages to the public infrastructure.
Published: 3/10/2020

Emergency Response/Recovery Actions - Overview

The Rock Island District is prepared to provide all hazard response and recovery assistance under the authority of Public Law (PL) 84-99 and PL 93-288.
Published: 3/10/2020

Farm Creek, Illinois

The project includes two dry reservoirs (Fondulac and Farmdale) located on tributary streams to the Illinois Waterway upstream of Peoria, Illinois, providing flood control for East Peoria, Illinois.
Published: 3/10/2020

Floodplain Management Services (FPMS)

The Floodplain Management Services (FPMS) Program provides a full range of technical services and planning guidance in support of effective floodplain management and flood risk reduction.
Published: 3/10/2020

GLMRIS Brandon Road

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is evaluating potential control options and technologies at Brandon Road Lock and Dam to prevent the upstream Interbasin transfer of aquatic nuisance species (ANS) while minimizing impacts to Illinois Waterway uses and users.
Published: 3/10/2020

Illinois River Basin Restoration (sec 519,WRDA 2000)

Section 519 of WRDA 2000 authorized: (1) Comprehensive Plan to develop and implement a restoration program, long-term resource monitoring program, and evaluate new technologies and innovative approaches, and (2) construction of critical restoration projects.
Published: 3/10/2020

Illinois Waterway

The project includes a total of 268 river miles of 9-foot commercial navigation channel from Chicago to LaGrange Lock and Dam, near Beardstown, Illinois; with 8 locks and 7 dams.
Published: 3/10/2020

Illinois Waterway Consolidated Lock Closures

To maintain reliable navigation and avoid unscheduled long-duration closures on the Illinois Waterway (IWW), the locks need to undergo scheduled major rehabilitation and maintenance.
Published: 3/10/2020

Illinois Waterway Maintenance Dredging Operations & Maintenance

In order to maintain the 9-foot navigation channel, maintenance dredging is performed at various locations in the reach of the Illinois Waterway in the Rock Island District.
Published: 3/10/2020

Inland Navigation Design Center (INDC)

The Inland Navigation Design Center Mandatory Center of Expertise (INDC-MCX) is an organization that provides engineering, design, analysis and review services for studies, new locks, new navigation dams, major rehabilitation of existing inland navigation locks and dams, and significant inland navigation lock and dam Operations & Maintenance (O&M) projects.
Published: 3/10/2020

LaGrange Lock, Illinois Waterway (Major Rehabilitation/Major Maintenance)

LaGrange Lock, located on the Illinois Waterway at river mile 80.2, was put into service in 1939 and is in need of a major rehabilitation of lock concrete, electrical and mechanical systems.
Published: 3/10/2020

Levee Safety Program

In the Rock Island District, approximately forty thousand people live or work behind levees in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Levee Safety Program.
Published: 3/10/2020

Mississippi River between Missouri River & Minneapolis

The project consists of a 314-river-mile reach of 9-foot commercial navigation channel from Guttenberg, Iowa, downstream to Saverton, Missouri.
Published: 3/10/2020

Mississippi River Maintenance Dredging (Operations & Maintenance)

In order to maintain the 9-foot navigation channel, maintenance dredging is performed at various locations in the reach of the Upper Mississippi River in the Rock Island District.
Published: 3/10/2020

National Flood Fight Materiel Center - Overview

Under authority of Public Law 84-99, during flood emergencies the Corps of Engineers may provide tribal, state and local communities with flood fight supplies and equipment.
Published: 3/10/2020

National Levee Database

The National Levee Database (NLD), developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), is the focal point for comprehensive information about our nation's levees.
Published: 3/10/2020

Peoria Illinois, Riverfront Development (Environmental Restoration)

The principal goal of this project is to improve depth diversity enhancing aquatic habitat in Peoria Lake with ancillary recreational benefits.
Published: 3/10/2020

Planning Assistance to States and Tribes

The Planning Assistance to States and Tribes (PAS&T) Program provides States, counties, local communities and Indian tribes with planning level assistance in addressing a water resources issues and planning needs.
Published: 3/10/2020

Quincy Bay Restoration and Enhancement Project, IL

The proposed project seeks to accomplish several ecosystem restoration goals. These include: 1) providing a diversity of underwater depths (habitats) for many of the nearly 70 fish species found in this part of the Mississippi River; 2) creation of topographically diverse areas to support hard mast trees that have been lost as well as a variety of aquatic and floodplain species dependent on these resources; and 3) a reduction in excessive sediment deposition to the Quincy Bay area which adversely affects the quantity and quality of the habitat. 
Published: 3/25/2020

Regional Flood Risk Management

In recent years, the Upper Mississippi River watershed has experienced more frequent flooding with higher stages, particularly in the last ten years with major floods occurring in 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2014.
Published: 3/10/2020

Repairs to Levee Systems/Flood Control Projects - Policy

Corps of Engineers policy regarding repairs to levee systems and flood control projects damaged by floods.
Published: 3/10/2020

Section 1135 Projects (Project Modifications for Improvements to the Environment) - Overview

Section 1135 of the 1986 Water Resources Development Act, as amended, provides authority for the Corps of Engineers to determine the need for project modifications in the structures and operations of existing Corps of Engineers projects for the purpose of improving the environment in the public interest.
Published: 3/10/2020

Section 204 Overview

Section 204 of the 1992 Water Resources Development Act, as amended, provides authority for the Corps of Engineers to restore, protect, and create aquatic and wetland habitats in connection with construction or maintenance dredging of an authorized navigation project.
Published: 3/10/2020

Section 205 Overview

Section 205, small flood risk management program provides support for local flood risk management by the construction or improvement of structural or non-structural flood risk management measures.
Published: 3/10/2020

Section 206 Overview

Section 206 of the 1996 Water Resources Development Act, as amended, provides authority for the Secretary to carry out an aquatic ecosystem restoration and protection project.
Published: 3/10/2020

Section 408 Program

The Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and codified in 33 USC 408 (commonly referred to as “Section 408”) authorizes the Secretary of the Army, on the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers of the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), to grant permission for the alteration or occupation or use of a civil works project provided the Secretary determines that the activity will not be injurious to the public interest and will not impair the usefulness of the project.
Published: 3/10/2020

Shoreline Management on Mississippi River

In 1989, the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) was developed and implemented as guidance for the management, protection and preservation of the Mississippi River's environment, while allowing a balanced use of the shoreline.
Published: 3/11/2020

Small Boat Harbors

All small boat harbor projects have a local sponsor, usually a municipality.
Published: 3/11/2020

Springfield, Illinois (City Water, Light & Power) / Springfield Supplemental Water Supply SEIS - Permits

The project is a proposed dam and 3000 acre water supply reservoir for the City of Springfield, Illinois.
Published: 3/11/2020

Support to the U.S. Army Reserve 88th Regional Support Command

The 88th Regional Support Command (RSC) headquarters is located at Fort McCoy, WI. Their area of responsibility is nineteen states across the upper Northwest.
Published: 3/11/2020

Thomas J. O'Brien Lock and Controlling Works, Illinois Waterway, Illinois (Major Rehabilitation/Major Maintenance)

The T.J. O’Brien Lock and Controlling Works is an aging structure which is at an increasing risk of failure.
Published: 3/11/2020

Tonica Cemetery, Tonica, IL - CAP Section 14

Increased water flow of Bailey Creek is cutting into the embankments at Fairview and Brookside cemeteries in the Village of Tonica.
Published: 3/11/2020

UMRR Program - IL, IA, MO, MN, WI - Upper Mississippi River Restoration

The UMRR Program was authorized by the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986 and continuously authorized by WRDA 1999. The program consists of two primary elements: habitat rehabilitation projects and systemic monitoring and research.
Published: 3/11/2020

UMRR Program - Keithsburg Division HREP - Pool 18

The Keithsburg Division is located in Pool 18 along the left descending bank of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR), immediately north of the City of Keithsburg in Mercer County, Illinois. The Project lands, part of the Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), are federally-owned. The goals are to restore and protect off-channel aquatic, wetland, and floodplain forest habitats.
Published: 3/11/2020

UMRR Program - Lower Pool 13 HREP

The Lower Pool 13 Habitat Restoration and Enhancement (HREP) project is located approximately three miles upstream of Clinton, Iowa, and consists of backwater lakes, sloughs, flowing channels, and impounded water residing over historically flooded islands and remnant islands.
Published: 3/11/2020

UMRR Program - Pool 12 Overwintering HREP

The Pool 12 Overwintering project area is in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, upstream of Bellevue, Iowa. The project area is comprised primarily of a series of islands, backwater channels, and backwater lakes that are part of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. The goals of the project are to restore and protect off-channel aquatic habitat and restore floodplain forest habitat.
Published: 3/11/2020

UMRR Program - Rice Lake Complex HREP - LaGrange Pool

Rice Lake is a 6,800-acre backwater complex located 24 miles southwest of Peoria, Illinois. The project lands are state owned and are managed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (ILDNR) as a fish and wildlife area. The project goals are to enhance and restore wetland and aquatic habitat.
Published: 3/11/2020

Unnamed Rock Tributary, Carbon Cliff, IL - CAP Section 205

Carbon Cliff, Illinois, has a history of flooding from the Rock River and an unnamed tributary which runs through a portion of the City. The City would like assistance investigating alternatives, both structural and non-structural, to help reduce damages caused by flooding.
Published: 3/11/2020

Upper Mississippi River - Illinois Flood Risk Assessments

This inter-agency pilot project developed map products to provide risk communication to communities in Illinois Mississippi Riverfront communities. Structural flood damage assessments for all structures were developed using multi-frequency flood depth grids. Survey data was collected for the lowest entry point and first floor elevation for all residential, commercial and industrial structures within the 1% annual chance exceedance floodplain. Parcel data, GIS data, and elevation certificate data that have been prepared for structures in the floodplain was obtained from county assessors.
Published: 6/11/2020

Upper Mississippi River and Illinois River Flow Frequency Study

The current Upper Mississippi River and Illinois River flow frequency study, completed in 2004, was created using a period of record ending in 1998. Since then frequent and record setting major floods have occurred. The flood of 2019 was not only historic with regards to flood heights, but also in its duration. The Mississippi River was above flood stage at Cape Girardeau for 145 days. In addition, many communities between Dubuque, Iowa and St. Louis, Missouri have experienced the majority of their top 10 flood crests in the past 20 years. Significant flooding on the UMR occurred in 2001, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2018, and 2019. The Illinois River has experienced the same unprecedented flooding. At Peoria, IL (on the IWW), 5 of the 10 highest flood crests have occurred since 1998; including the record crest in 2013.
Published: 9/15/2020

Upper Mississippi River -Illinois Waterway System Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program (NESP)

NESP is a long-term program of ecosystem restoration and navigation improvements for the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS). NESP will improve system capacity and reduce commercial traffic delays through construction of 7 new 1,200-foot locks, mooring cells and switchboat implementation.
Published: 3/11/2020

Upper Mississippi River System Hydraulic Model Update

The development of a standardized and seamless flood risk management hydraulic model for the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) is an essential tool to understanding the risks that currently exist to the river communities and is a critical first step for the development of systemic flood risk management (FRM) strategy.
Published: 3/11/2020

Upper Mississippi River Watershed - Planning Assistance to States

This two-year PAS study will aim to align goals and objectives of the interagency team and various stakeholder groups, building on those identified in previous workshops and summits.
Published: 3/11/2020

Upper Mississippi River Watershed Project

Currently, there is no systemic flood risk management plan for the Upper Mississippi River. This uncoordinated flood response ultimately transfers risk to several areas, often without their knowledge. This watershed assessment will collaboratively develop an FRM strategy for UMR basin with an interagency team (Federal & 5 states).
Published: 3/11/2020

Wagonseller Bridge, Tazewell County, IL - CAP Section 14

The Mackinaw River has developed a meandering channel pattern, with the meander bends through this reach causing a significant change in the angle of flow through the Wagonseller Road Bridge. This project reviews opportunities to stabilize the Mackinaw River streambanks, Wagonseller Road Bridge, and north and south bridge approaches.
Published: 3/11/2020