Des Moines River Projects

Dam Safety Program
The purposes of a dam safety program are to protect life, property and the environment by ensuring that all dams are designed, constructed, operated and maintained safely and effectively...
Des Moines Recreational River and Greenbelt, Iowa (Recreation)
The Des Moines Recreational River & Greenbelt is a partnership of local and federal governments and private interests dedicated to developing ecosystem improvements and recreational opportunities in...
Floodplain Management Services (FPMS)
The Floodplain Management Services (FPMS) Program provides a full range of technical services and planning guidance in support of effective floodplain management and flood risk reduction...
Lake Red Rock, Iowa
Lake Red Rock is a multiple purpose project providing primary benefits in flood control and secondary benefits in low-flow augmentation, recreation and environmental stewardship...
National Flood Fight Materiel Center - Overview
Under authority of Public Law 84-99, during flood emergencies the Corps of Engineers may provide tribal, state and local communities with flood fight supplies and equipment...
Red Rock Remedial Works Southeast Des Moines Southwest Pleasant Hill Levee, Des Moines River
Project in Operation. Red Rock Remedial Works protects Southeast Des Moines/Southwest Pleasant Hill (SEDM/SWPH) from the back up effect of the Red Rock reservoir during large magnitude floods...