Illinois River Basin Restoration (sec 519,WRDA 2000)

Rock Island District
Published Oct. 1, 2021
Illinois River Basin

Illinois River Basin


Entire Illinois River Basin including tributaries.


Section 519 of WRDA 2000 authorized: (1) Comprehensive Plan to develop and implement a restoration program, long-term resource monitoring program and evaluate new technologies and innovative approaches and (2) construction of critical restoration projects. Section 519 and the related Illinois River Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study, Sec 216, resulted in a joint Comprehensive Plan for the restoration of the basin. These efforts relate to the State's Illinois Rivers 2020 initiative, a proposed 20-year, Federal-state effort to restore and enhance the 30,000 square-mile Illinois River Basin. Anticipated benefits include reducing sediment delivered to the Illinois River mainstream and backwaters, reducing streambank erosion and improving critical habitats for fish, waterfowl and other aquatic organisms. This project involves three districts (Rock Island, St. Louis, and Chicago).


Construction of the following projects were completed: Peoria Upper Island project was completed in October of 2013 and Waubonsie Creek Critical Restoration Project was completed in November 2011. Construction of the Blackberry Creek Fish Passage project was completed by the State of Illinois in 2012. The Comprehensive Plan was approved by HQUSACE in May 2007. In 2008 the Comprehensive Plan was reviewed by the ASA for Civil Works and OMB. Following their recommendation, the Comprehensive Plan and cover letters were sent to Congress for informational purposes.

Three construction projects (Pekin Lake North, Pekin Lake South Backwater and Starved Rock) are on hold pending federal funding. Feasibility studies Fox River and Tenmile Creek are on hold pending sponsor funds.

Additional Information


GI - General Investigations
Section 519 of WRDA 2000; as amended by Section 5071, WRDA 2007

Summarized Project Costs

Estimated Federal Cost


Estimated Non-Federal Cost


Estimated Total Project Cost


Allocations Prior to FY 2022


FY 2021 Allocation


FY 2022 Allocation


FY 2022 President’s Budget


FY 2022 Total Capability



Major Work Item Prior Fiscal Year

FY 2021: Awaiting Federal & non-Federal investigation funds.

Major Work Item Current Year

FY 2022: If sponsor funding and Federal investigations funding is available, continue Fox River feasibility study.