Rock Island District (mailing address):
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Clock Tower Building
P.O. Box 2004
Rock Island, Illinois 61204-2004

Mailing Address for Deliveries (FedEx or UPS):
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island
Clock Tower Building
1500 Rock Island Drive
Rock Island, IL  61201

Phone: (309) 794-4200
Toll-free: (800) 799-8302

Click the link below for FOIA information.

Contact Numbers

(309) 794-5628
Coralville Lake
(319) 338-3543
Cottage Site Program
(309) 794-5201
Eagle Watching
(309) 794-5338
Emergency Management
(309) 794-5595
Equal Employment Opportunity
(309) 794-5471
General Inquiries
Illinois Waterway Visitor Center
(815) 667-4054
Lake Red Rock
(641) 828-7522
Media Inquiries
(309) 794-5204
Mississippi River Project and Visitor Center
(309) 794-5338
Real Estate
(309) 794-5234
Regulatory (Permits)
(309) 794-5057
River Levels and Forecasts
(309) 794-5552
Saylorville Lake
(515) 276-4656
Small Business
(309) 794-5205
(309) 794-5730

Contact Form

Visiting the Rock Island District Office

The Rock Island District Headquarters is located in the Clock Tower Building on the west end of the Rock Island Arsenal which sits on an island in the middle of the Mississippi River. It is important to remember that the Mississippi River flows east to west at this location rather than north to south. This change in river flow can set you off course when navigating around the Quad Cities.

If using a GPS to find the Rock Island District, use this address: 1500 Rock Island Drive, Rock Island, IL. Link to Google Maps.

Click here for a map of Rock Island Arsenal.


The Rock Island District Headquarters Office (Clock Tower Building), Mississippi River Visitor Center and Locks and Dam 15 are located on the west end of Arsenal Island in Rock Island, Illinois. Visitors must access the Island using the Moline Gate located near River Drive and 16th St. in Moline, Illinois.

These facilities are located on a military installation which requires visitors to be processed through a security checkpoint upon entering the island. Each person over the age of 16 will be required to show identification and a background check will be completed before an access pass will be issued.

Visit the Rock Island Arsenal's Visitor Access Website for more details.