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Recreation Area Status Updates - Updated January 31, 2025


Along the River Recreation Guide

To view a digital copy of the 2024 "Along the River" booklet, click on the image above. To request a free copy of the booklet by mail, call 309-794-5338 or email your MAILING ADDRESS to

The Along the River publication provides detailed information on all Mississippi River Project recreation areas including campgrounds, boat ramps and day use areas, and includes a calendar of events for these areas. 

Welcome to the Mississippi River Project

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, Mississippi River Project, Recreation and Natural Resource Management Section, encompasses 314 miles on the Mississippi River from Potosi, Wisconsin, to Saverton, Missouri. 

We manage a total of 16 campgrounds, 14 day use facilities, 22 boat ramps, a visitor center and 55,000 acres of forested land for public use. Our project is the oldest and one of the largest continually-managed forested resources managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. We take pride in protecting our diverse natural resources while providing safe recreational opportunities for everyone to enjoy.

If you are interested in finding out more about our many recreational areas, this website is the place to explore. If you are interested in receiving a hard copy of our Along the River Guide to Recreation for the Mississippi River Project feel free to e-mail or call us at 309-794-5338.


41st Annual Clinton Bald Eagle Watch scheduled for Feb. 8
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Clinton Community College, Clinton Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Stewards of the...


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Recreation Along the River