Wagonseller Bridge, Tazewell County, IL - CAP Section 14

Rock Island District
Published Oct. 1, 2021
Wagonseller Road Bridge completed project, Tazewell County IL.

Wagonseller Road Bridge completed project, Tazewell County IL.


Tazewell County, Illinois


An opportunity exists to stabilize the Mackinaw River streambanks, Wagonseller Road Bridge, and north and south bridge approaches.

The Mackinaw River has developed a meandering channel pattern, with the meander bends through this reach causing a significant change in the angle of flow through the Wagonseller Road Bridge. Severe scour at the north pier and streambanks have resulted, threatening the stability of that pier and the likelihood of eventually closing the road. Both abutments remain susceptible to scour even after riprap counter measures were installed by the Sponsor in 2014. The continuing meander and erosion threaten not only the Bridge, but the upstream meandering streambank and the north and south bridge approaches. Flood events in the last 2 years have caused the meander to shift even closer to the south bridge approach. The Local Sponsor is concerned that the north and south bridge approaches may be compromised and unusable very soon based on the uncertainty of when additional high flow events may occur on the Mackinaw River. The bridge is not currently on a local replacement list, but will be eligible for replacement or rehabilitation with federal bridge funding at such time as their sufficiency ratings drop to eligible levels.

If the area is left untreated and unprotected, the Bridge abutments and approaches may be lost, resulting in the loss of an important transportation route. Wagonseller Road and Bridge serve as a primary route for local travel and commerce and as a crossing for agricultural industry. The shortest average detour route would require an additional distance of 3 miles.


The project feasibility report with integrated environmental assessment was approved in June 2019. A Project Partnership Agreement was executed in September 30, 2019. The project substantially completed construction on September 1, 2021.  Final work and project closeout is expected in FY 2022.

Additional Information


CA - Continuing Authorities - Section 14

Summarized Project Costs

Estimated Federal Cost


Estimated Non-Federal Cost


Estimated Total Project Cost


Allocations Prior to FY 2022


FY 2021 Allocation


FY 2022 Allocation


FY 2022 President’s Budget


FY 2022 Total Capability



Major Work Item Prior Fiscal Year

FY 2021: Construction contract was awarded and construction was substantially completed in September 2021.

Major Work Item Current Year

FY 2022: Complete construction contract closeout and fiscal closeout.