Rock Island District Public Notices

Shadow Creek V & VI, LLC (CEMVR-OD-P-2020-148-1)

Rock Island District
Published Nov. 16, 2021
Expiration date: 12/15/2021

In 2020, the Applicant was issued a DA Permit to impact 1.44 acres of emergent wetland, 0.04 acres of forested wetlands, 481 linear feet of intermittent streams and 129 linear feet of perennial streams. The impacts were for the development of a new residential subdivision that included tree removal, mass grading, utility installation, road construction and the installation of two storm water detention basins. The project is currently underway and the required compensatory wetland and stream mitigation has been completed.

The purpose of this public notice is to solicit comments to modify the permit to include an additional 0.31 acres of wetland, 634 linear feet of perennial stream and 185 linear feet of ephemeral stream. These impacts are for additional impacts as part of the expansion of the permitted subdivision. Impacts will include streets, grading for homes and additional utilities. In addition to these impacts, the Applicant self-reported 190 linear feet of perennial impacts to a portion of a stream from the previously permitted area.