The project is located east of the City of Marengo in Iowa County, Iowa. The project is located in Section 29, Township 81 North, Range 10 West ending in a tributary to Iowa River.
408 Request: In compliance with 33 USC 408 (Section 14 of the River and Harbors Act of 1899: hereinafter Section 408), the Marengo Wastewater Facility currently discharges into a back water of the Iowa River and, requested permission to modify the Marengo Levee, an existing Federally authorized flood risk management project situated along the Iowa River. The proposal includes a force main being constructed through the levee.
Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct a new building to house the UV disinfection and effluent pumps. This involves moving the discharge from current location in an unnamed creek to a new location. This move is to improve the stream quality at the current discharge point and meet ammonia discharge requirements from the existing lagoon process. Effluent lift station/UV building approximately 30 feet x 40 feet and new 1-mile long 12-inch diameter force main in open cut to Iowa River. Force main will cross over existing flood protection levee. Additional fill will be added to levee above new pipe for force main.
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