Project Location: The proposed site is located within Section 29, Township 27 North, Range 9 East, Stephenson County, Illinois.
Bank Objectives: The fundamental objective of compensatory mitigation is to offset environmental losses resulting from unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States (WOTUS) authorized by Department of the Army Permits. Other Objectives include restoration of habitat to support native biodiversity, improve aquatic habitat connectivity between stream and Pecatonica River, to compensate for stream losses in a manner which contributes to the long-term ecological functioning of the watershed where the bank is located.
Project Description/Bank Establishment: The bank sponsor proposes to complete activities on approximately 34-acres of property owned by Brant Brittman and Susan Trusts. This project would potentially result in the generation of stream compensatory mitigation credits. The goal of this project is to restore 3,031.3 linear feet of stream and establish 33.37 acres of buffer to generate an initial estimate of an initial estimate of 35,404 stream credits.
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