Project Location: Spillman Creek and adjacent wetlands within Section 4, Township 7 North, Range 7West, Hancock County, Illinois. Latitude 40.63012, Longitude -91.21332.
Project Description: The Village of Pontoosuc, IL is proposing construction to realign a new bridge androadway approaches over Spillman Creek. As part of the earthwork activities associated with the proposedbridge replacement and roadway approach construction (see attached plan exhibits), approximately 1.257acres of permanent impact to jurisdictional wetland features are anticipated. These impacts includeapproximately 1.131 acres of forested wetland and approximately 0.126 acres of emergent wetland, bothassociated with the proposed fill placement for the roadway embankment. Additionally, two stretches of ajurisdictional waterway will be impacted due to proposed bank armoring. One impact (approximately 90feet) is associated with the construction of the new bridge and the creek bank armoring downgradient fromthe new piers under the bridge, while the other (approximately 30 feet) is also associated with armoring thecreek along the creek bank downgradient from the removed bridge piers.
Purpose and Need: The purpose of this project is to enhance transportation infrastructure while ensuringthe safety and efficiency of travel in the area.
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