ROCK ISLAND, Illinois -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, has released the Lock and Dam 22 Fish Passage Improvement Project Implementation Report with Integrated Supplemental Environmental Assessment and is seeking public review through June 19. A digital copy of the report and a video presentation about the project are available online at:
For those interested in learning more about the project, have questions for the project delivery team, or who would like to submit comments verbally, the Rock Island District is hosting an online virtual public meeting May 21 at 9 a.m. Information on how to connect the to the meeting is available at the website listed above.
The Lock and Dam 22 Fish Passage Improvement Project would restore a migration pathway for fish at Lock and Dam 22 by constructing a fish passage structure known as a fishway on the spillway. If completed, this project would increase access to upstream habitats and improve the size and distribution of native migratory fish populations. The project was developed as part of the Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program and would be the first of this kind on the Upper Mississippi River.
Public comments regarding the alternative analysis and preferred alternative for this project can be submitted in writing using the online comment form on the website listed above, by email to: or by mail to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, Attn: (Rachel Hawes), Clock Tower Building, P.O. Box 2004, Rock Island IL 61204-2004.
For more information contact the Rock Island District at 309-794-5729.
Release no. 21-038