1) Side slopes of a newly constructed channel will be no steeper than 2:1 and planted to permanent, perennial, native vegetation if not armored.
2) For projects that impact an Outstanding National Resource Water, Outstanding Iowa Water, fens, bogs, seeps or sedge meadows, a Pre-Construction Notice in accordance with General Condition No. 32 and an Individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification will be required.
3) Any bank stabilization activity involving a method that protrudes from the bank contour, such as jetties, stream barbs and/or weirs, will require a Pre-Construction Notice in accordance with General Condition No. 32.
4) Beyond what is described in General Condition #6, suitable fill material shall consist of clean materials, free from debris, trash and other deleterious materials. If broken concrete is used as riprap, all reinforcing rods must be cut flush with the surface of the concrete, and individual pieces of concrete shall be appropriately graded and not exceed 3 feet in any dimension. Asphalt, car bodies and broken concrete containing asphalt, and liquid concrete are specifically excluded.
5) No non-native, invasive or other plant species included on the Corps “Excluded Plant List” shall be planted for re-vegetation or stabilization purposes, with the exception of any species that hold particular cultural or traditional significance to the Meskwaki Nation (the Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa). The plant list can be found above. To prevent the spread of non-native and/or invasive plant species, the permittee shall ensure that equipment to be utilized in Waters of the United States is cleaned before arriving on site. Wash water shall not be discharged into any wetland, waterway or any other surface water conveyances.
6) All authorizations requested by applicants other than the Tribal Authority for use within lands under the jurisdiction of the Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa require Pre-Construction Notification to the District Engineer and coordination with the Tribal Authority.
7) For Nationwide Permit 14, all proposed projects that result in the loss of greater than 300 linear feet of streambed located within Waters of the U.S., as defined in the definitions contained in the Nationwide Permits, require a Pre-Construction Notice in accordance with General Condition No. 32 to the District Engineer.