Draft Feasibility Report Released - Public Open House Feb. 15

Quincy Bay Open House PresentationThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, has released the draft feasibility report for the Quincy Bay Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project. The main report and it's appendices can be found in the lower left corner of this website under project documents.  A presentation from the open house can be viewed by clicking on the image to the right. 

Public comments regarding the tentatively selected plan will be accepted through March 9. Comments can be submitted by clicking the link below or emailing PublicInvolvement@usace.army.mil.

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Quincy Bay Area Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project

Rock Island District


Quincy Bay Area Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project (HREP) is located in Pool 21 of the Upper Mississippi River near Quincy, Illinois. Located entirely on federal land,  the approximate 2,350-acre UMRR Quincy Bay HREP study area can be described as a backwater lake complex measuring approximately four miles long with a maximum width of two miles. The study area is composed of interconnected channels, small bays, bottomland forest, a small boat harbor, and a cut through channel. Quincy Bay is one of the largest natural bays in the Upper Mississippi River, providing habitat for a variety of native fish and wildlife species, including resident and migratory birds, multiple species of bats, waterfowl, and many native fish.