
Pool 9 Islands Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project

St. Paul District

Pool 9 Upper Mississippi River, Miles 645 - 656, Crawford County, Wisconsin, Congressional District: Wisconsin - 3




Erosion of islands in the lower reach of pool 9 resulted in the loss of over 95 percent of their landmass in the last 50 years because of wave action.  This permitted suspended sediment from the navigation channel and shallow backwater areas of Lake Winneshiek to enter the project area.  Wave action uproots aquatic vegetation and resuspends the sediment in the shallow backwater area, resulting in loss of aquatic plant growth.

Quick Facts

  • Approximate Acres: 410
  • State(s) Covered: Wisconsin
  • Land Ownership: Federal
  • Management Agency: USFWS
  • Management Authority: Refuge

Project Features

  • Construction of a C-shaped rockfill island complex with a 5-foot top width at 1 foot above the average pool elevation. 
  • The island complex parallels the main channel for ½ mile and extends into the backwater about ¼ mile at the upper and lower ends.


  • The Definite Project Report was completed in July 1993.
  • Construction was initiated in September 1994 and completed in June 1995.
  • The Operation and Maintenance Manual was completed in June 1996.