Rock Island District Public Notices

  • Honey Creek Stream Mitigation Bank (CEMVR-RD-2023-1521)

    Expiration date: 12/16/2023

    The bank sponsor proposes to perform stream restoration along reaches of a perennial stream (4,283ft) and two intermittent streams (1,094ft and 981ft) that flow into Honey Creek, then into the Iowa River approximately 2.25 miles downstream from the bank site. The proposed bank site consists of an approximately 72.56-acre parcel with 7,733feet of existing streams along an unnamed tributary of Honey Creek, four miles south of Wapello, within Section 22, Township 73 North, Range 3 West, Louisa County, Iowa.


    Expiration date: 1/1/2024

    The Corps of Engineers has determined due to the nature of the Upper Mississippi River Restoration (UMRR) and Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program (NESP), their generally shared multi-state geographic region and similar authorized purposes and undertakings, that a combined Programmatic Agreement is needed to clarify review procedures, improve consistency, consultation, and accountability in fulfilling its responsibilities to comply with Section 106 of the NHPA pursuant to 36 CFR § 800.14.

  • City of Williamsburg (CEMVR-RD-2023-1223)

    Expiration date: 12/9/2023

    The proposed project is located on Old Man’s Creek between Highland Street to Hampton Way in Section 10, Township 79 North, Range 10 West, Iowa County, Iowa. Lat. 41.6681, Lon. -92.0174. The Applicant proposes to stabilize approximately 2900 feet of Old Man’s Creek at 8 locations through the project area.

  • Des Moines County replacing H-14 Bridge along County Road X99 over Hawkeye Creek (Public Notice ID #2023-0042)

    Expiration date: 10/21/2023

    Interested parties are hereby notified the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Rock Island District (District), received an application for a Department of the Army Section 408 permission for certain work at or near a federally authorized flood risk management project (FRMP) of the United States, as described below and shown on the attached figures. Written comments are being solicited from anyone having an interest in the requested alteration. Comments will become part of the USACE administrative record and will be considered in determining whether to approve the request. Comments supporting, opposing, or identifying concerns that should be considered by the District in its decision to process are all welcome. Comments providing substantive information or a rationale for the commenter’s position are the most helpful. This public notice is not a paid advertisement and is for public information only. Issuance of this notice does not imply District endorsement of the project as described. REQUESTER: In compliance with 33 U.S.C. 408 (Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899; hereinafter Section 408), Des Moines County has requested permission to modify the Two Rivers Levee and Drainage District -Upper Unit, an existing federally authorized FRMP.

  • WFI Holdings-B LLC (CEMVR-RD-2023-1304)

    Expiration date: 11/2/2023

    Project Location: The proposed site is located within Section 29, Township 27 North, Range 9 East, Stephenson County, Illinois. Bank Objectives: The fundamental objective of compensatory mitigation is to offset environmental losses resulting from unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States (WOTUS) authorized by Department of the Army Permits. Other Objectives include restoration of habitat to support native biodiversity, improve aquatic habitat connectivity between stream and Pecatonica River, to compensate for stream losses in a manner which contributes to the long-term ecological functioning of the watershed where the bank is located. Project Description/Bank Establishment: The bank sponsor proposes to complete activities on approximately 34-acres of property owned by Brant Brittman and Susan Trusts. This project would potentially result in the generation of stream compensatory mitigation credits. The goal of this project is to restore 3,031.3 linear feet of stream and establish 33.37 acres of buffer to generate an initial estimate of an initial estimate of 35,404 stream credits.

  • Green Island Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project, Pool 13, Upper Mississippi River - River Miles 545.9 Through 548.7

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District (District), requests your review of the Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment titled, Green Island Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project, dated September 20, 2023.
  • City of Nevada (CEMVR-RD-2023-817)

    Expiration date: 10/11/2023

    Project Location: The proposed project is located on West Indian Creek and a tributary to West Indian Creek in Section 7, Township 83 North, Range 22 West and Section 12, Township 83 North, Range 23 West, Story County, Iowa within the City of Nevada.  Project Description: A. The Applicant has proposed two separate but related streambank protection projects that are sponsored by the Iowa State Revolving Fund which received funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Project A is on the main stem of West Indian Creek and includes the stabilization of West Indian Creek from approximately 750 feet downstream of West Lincoln Highway to approximately 650 feet upstream of E Avenue. This project is approximately 4100 feet long and techniques used will include stone toe protection, bio-engineering techniques, floodplain benches, large wood debris and cross vane weirs to reduce erosion. Project B is located on a tributary of West Indian Creek. This project will stabilize approximately 1300 feet along the tributary and will include the same strategies as West Indian Creek. Techniques used will include stone toe protection, bio-engineering techniques, floodplain benches, large wood debris and cross vane weirs to reduce erosion.

  • Lower Rock Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank (CEMVR-RD-2023-1205)

    Expiration date: 10/14/2023

    This notice is issued in accordance with the Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources; Final Rule (the Mitigation Rule) described in the Federal Register dated April 10, 2008 (33 CFR Parts 325 and 332). Project Location: The proposed site is located within Section 27, Township 23 North, Range 11East, Pine Rock Township, Ogle County, Illinois.  Bank Objectives: The fundamental objective of compensatory mitigation is to offset environmental losses resulting from unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States (WOTUS)authorized by Department of Army Permits. Other objectives include: support the national goal of nonet-loss of wetlands, enhance existing and create additional wildlife habitat; compensate for wetland and stream losses in a manner which contributes to the long-term ecological functioning of the watershed within which the Bank is located, reduce temporal losses of wetland and stream functions, restore ecological connectivity along the Kyte River riparian corridor, and improving water quality in the Rock River watershed and service area of the bank.

  • Illinois Department of Transportation replacing of bridge along IL 100 over Kerton Creek, Seahorn Drainage and Levee District, Bath, Fulton County, IL (Public Notice ID #2023-0038)

    Expiration date: 9/21/2023

    In compliance with 33 U.S.C 408 (Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899; hereinafter Section 408), The Illinois Department of Transportation (IL DOT) has requested permission to modify the Seahorn Drainage and Levee District (D&LD) Levee, an existing federally authorized flood risk management project in Fulton County, Illinois. The proposed project involves the Seahorn D&LD located on the right descending (west) bank of Otter Creek about 0.7 miles upstream from its confluence with the Illinois River. The proposed project location is the bridge carrying IL 100 over Kerton Creek and the Seahorn D&LD, approximately 7 miles south of U.S. Route 136.


    THIS NOTICE IS AN INFORMATIONL NOTICE ONLY -- NO COMENTS ARE REQUESTED. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Districts within the State of Missouri (Kansas City, Little Rock, Memphis, Rock Island, St. Louis) (Corps) adopted the Missouri Stream Mitigation Method (MSMM) on March 1, 2007, revised on May 29, 2013. The MSMM is the primary tool the Corps has used for the evaluation of stream impacts and mitigation proposals for Department of the Army permit actions within the State of Missouri. The September 2023 updated revision of the MSMM will enhance the Corps’ ability to protect the Nation’s aquatic resources, while allowing reasonable development through fair, flexible and balanced permit decisions. With this notice, the Corps is announcing the final September 2023 MSMM and will begin using it immediately subject to the transition provisions.